Hdclone 4.1 download
Hdclone 4.1 download

  • The Multi Missile skill does not consume energy or have a cooldown.
  • Some Black Ops ships turn into Fighter class when I upgrade tier, and their Black Ops stats are dropping.
  • Sometimes, the missions I give to Freelancers come back to my inbox with the same name and rewards.
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  • Sometimes my combat drones reappear in my hangar when I dock at a station, even though they were destroyed in battle.
  • After the Rebirth perk is activated, my ship stays in god mode permanently.
  • You can see the number of non-earthling residents on the trade panel’s details interface. Note: We suspect that WRA members are being mixed up with non-earthling residents in the game. (We have not been able to reproduce this bug, but we have made a few changes that we believe will prevent it from happening.)
  • I just captured a station with 1000 people on it, but I still only have 13 members on my faction screen.
  • If I use the Dash perk at the same time as the Boss and collide, the Boss disappears from the map and the mission gets stuck.
  • After my probes returned to the ship, I am unable to turn off raid mode
  • I turned on raid mode while performing a scan operation.
  • If I select a planet as a warp target when it is in view, I cannot see the points on the surface after closing the interface.
  • You have to click ADS again to get it back to normal sensitivity.
  • Reloading while aiming and then releasing aim during the reload animation keeps the slower aim sensitivity despite no longer being in ADS.
  • Before upgrading the cargo hold skill to rank 1, there were 61 slots, but after the upgrade, it became 59.
  • I receive notifications about upcoming attacks even though I haven’t installed a radar building on the capital station.
  • In the tutorial invasion battle, I (a level 5 player) end up at war with Starlord Thunder (a level 45 faction).
  • The frequency of AI Faction Attacks (and Faction Defense ops) is too high.
  • If I am attacked by pirates while on my way to a battle, the battle continues without me and I cannot warp back to it.
  • After the pirates disrupt my warp drive, if I choose to fight but move too far away from the battle area, I can’t warp again.
  • After the pirates disrupt my warp drive, if I don’t give them my cargo items and let them go, I can’t warp again after they leave.
  • It will not affect your existing troops, but the number of troops and ships will depend on certain parameters in the future.) (We have currently imposed a limit on this.
  • The game crashes after having 200 faction members and assigning them to the army.
  • hdclone 4.1 download hdclone 4.1 download

    Ally ships take much higher damage than usual in raids and battles when they are close to me.

    Hdclone 4.1 download